Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’ – scarlet geranium



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What you will receive:

~25 cm Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’ plant cutting for sale online in South Africa. Indigenous shrub with romantic scarlet-red flowers.


Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’ is a beautiful plant commonly referred to as the “scarlet geranium”[1]. This species is part of the genus Pelargonium (family Geraniaceae), and is an indigenous shrub found in the south-western Cape of South Africa.Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’ is one of the ancestors of the hybrid line of horticultural Pelargoniums, referred to as the zonal group. They can easily be propagated by seeds and cuttings.


Growth habit and size of Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’

Stems of Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’

Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’ is a shrub possessing soft woody stems which can grow to heights of up to 2 metres. The stems are particularly soft and succulent when green and new; gradually hardening over time as they age and mature.


Leaves of Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’

The leaves are orbicular (shaped like a flat round ring or disc) with crenate edges (round-toothed / scalloped). They possess a smooth velvety feel and soft texture.

The evergreen leaves, borne by long petioles, are orbicular (like Pelargonium × hortorum but without dark markings), incised in 5 to 7 crenate lobes, with a viscous pubescence, giving a cottony appearance to both sides. To the touch, the leaves stain the fingers brown rust.


Flowers of Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’

The upper-most two (2) petals are slightly smaller and generally point more upwards than the lower three petals which are spaced more evenly apart. Flower heads are formed by clusters of smaller flowers. These clusters can be comprised of between 5 and 30 individual flowers.

The scarlet red flowers, sometimes pink or white, are grouped by 10 to 20 in pseudo-umbels. They are bilateral symmetry (zygomorph) with the 2 upper petals may be a little smaller than the 3 lower petals. Stamens and style are exerted. The filaments of the seven fertile stamens join over most of their length.

In South Africa, flowering is spread throughout the year.

Pelargonium inquinans 'red' - scarlet geranium indigenous plant with beautiful red flowers


Seeds of Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’

The seeds are oblong with an ovoid head with a corkscrew tail. Five seeds are produced per flower head. This species flowers through out the year.

The pericardial fruit is composed of 5 capsules terminated by a long, hairy, twisted curl at maturity.


Planting Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’ (Care and Cultivation)

These plants can tolerate a variety of conditions, but are particularly well suited to warmer climates. In such conditions, these plants can bring colour to a garden landscape or balcony through almost the entire year.

They can be propagated easily by seeds and cuttings.


Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’ – Etymology and History

The generic name Pelargonium in scientific Latin derives from the Greek pelargós (πελαργός), which means the stork and the shape of their fruit evoking the beak of the wader. The specific epithet “messy” derives from the Latin verb inquino “dirty, soil” because the leaves leave a brown trace on the fingers when touched.

The Pelargonium inquinans was grown in the garden of the Bishop of London, Henry Compton, an admirer of exotic plants. In 1713, when he died, Pelargonium inquinans was found in his collection. The first illustration from 1732 was made from a plant growing in the garden of British botanist James Sherard. Many hybrids have been derived from this species, but the true wild species can be recognized by its red glandular hairs.


Distribution of Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’ (Natural Habitat)

Pelargonium inquinansis indigenous to the south-western to south-eastern regions of South Africa. The Pelargonium with scarlet flowers grows in the Eastern Cape, Uitenhage, Albany, and south of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.

It grows on clay soils, like Pelargonium × hortorum.


Hybrids of Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’

Pelargonium inquinans and Pelargonium zonale are generally considered as the two main wild ancestors of the zonal group of horticultural pelargoniums, commonly referred to as “florist geraniums” or “zoned leaf hybrid pelargoniums”. In botany, the name Pelargonium × hortorum L.H. Bailey is accepted.

These two species were introduced in the great gardens of Europe at the beginning of the eighteenth century.


Uses of Pelargonium inquinans ‘red’

Indigenous people use crushed leaves for headache and influenza. They are also used as a body deodorant.

Plants Shop Africa can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.


Different Pelargonium species

We have 3 other Pelargonium varieties currently for sale on our website:


► Browse: Pelargonium capitatum – rose geranium, rose-scented pelargonium

Pelargonium capitatum is an affordable evergreen indigenous South African plant that has purple flowers.

► Browse: Pelargonium zonale – wildemalva, horseshoe

Pelargonium zonale for sale in South Africa, beautiful pink flowers indigenous plant

►Browse: Pelargonium inquinans ‘salmon’

Pelargonium inquinans 'salmon' is a highly recommended plant which grows well with succulents.


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  1.  Pelargonium inquinansNatural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database. USDA. Retrieved 21 September 2015.


Notice of Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License:
This article uses material from the Wikipedia article “Pelargonium inquinans”, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.


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Dear Jethro,

I was beyond thrilled when I've discovered your online store selling plant cuttings.

After I've ordered and received the cuttings, I could not wait to open the carefully packed goodies when it arrived via courier.

I was quite impressed with the packaging and handwritten plant species label tags you've attached to each cutting.

I started to plant the cuttings the very next day and I am literally watching them grow daily.

I'm definitely going to order some more!

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Ina Orton (Centurion - Gauteng)

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What is a plant cutting?

A plant cutting is a piece of a plant (usually a stem or leaf) that is removed from a mature plant by cutting it with scissors, a knife, or any other suitable sharp object.

Crassula ovata 'Botany bay' plant for sale online in South Africa on the Plant Shop Africa website

Each product page on our website shows the type of cutting you will receive upon purchase, such as the example above (Crassula ovata 'Botany bay').

How to grow a plant from a cutting?

All one needs to do is stick the cutting into some soil and keep it moist.

If the conditions are suitable (sunny and moist), the cutting will grow new roots from the area where it was cut or from other growth points along the stem.

Eventually the cutting will grow into a new plant that is genetically identical to the parent.

Crassula ovata 'Botany bay' for sale online in South Africa

For example: The plant above is a Crassula ovata 'Botany bay' which was grown from a cutting.

Looks easy? Well it is!

Succulents - South Africa's magical plants

Succulents are one of South Africa's most incredible natural wonders because our species are phenomenally well suited to growing from cuttings. No other plants in the world can grow more easily from cuttings.

Our family's massive succulent and indigenous garden has been grown over many years simply by taking cuttings from our mature plants each year and multiplying them over time.

We have experienced the magic of using cuttings and that is why we are so passionate about sharing them with you! ☺

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Why do we sell cuttings instead of potted plants?

► By their nature our succulents & indigenous plants are easy to grow from cuttings. This is a big reason why these plants are so popular.

Othonna capensis for sale online in South Africa on the Plant Shop Africa website

So we choose to pack them carefully and send them to you this way (and in fact, this is common practice amongst the leading succulent shops around the world).

This also saves you a lot of money! ☺

Other online plant shops have inflated prices because of increased courier fees due to the size of the pots and weight of the soil.

This is one of the reasons why Plant Shop Africa has some of the best prices available in the country.

How to grow plants from cuttings?

► All you need to do is stick the cuttings in some soil, keep them moist with water.

These plants are available online in South Africa (conveniently delivered to you).

Soon they will grow roots and become a new plant!

Furthermore, I'm here anytime you need assistance and I've created a guide to caring for plants & cuttings if you want to learn more before getting started:

And there's more...

► Once your plants have grown you can take your own cuttings from the big plants and grow more plants for your special green... How awesome is that!?

This is how our family has grown our big succulent and indigenous garden in the harsh conditions of the Eastern Cape in South Africa.

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